Saturday, April 11, 2009

Holy Saturday: Great Vigil of Easter

This year, like the last two years, my husband and I ate dinner at Chili's. After dinner, I dropped my husband off at home, then drove to a church in order to attend the Great Vigil of Easter service. This seems to be a yearly tradition. Sometimes, I feel comforted by routine. I'm going to go to bed soon, so that I can be rested for tomorrow's Easter service.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

I attended a noontime ecumenical Good Friday service, the same one I attended the last two years. Several pastors from nine (I think) local churches read scriptures are delivered "mini-sermons." Each pastor had something slightly different to say. We sang some hymns, accompanied by excellent musicians and singers from one (or perhaps several) of the churches.

After the service, several of us went to lunch at Cafe Pomegranate, a couple of blocks away. I enjoy talking to people, and learning new things.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Maundy Thursday

This evening, I attended a Maundy Thursday service. Some of the folks at work were talking about Passover Seders and Maundy Thursday, so I became curious. The service was very interesting. We had booklets so that we could follow along. We also sang three songs, accompanied by one of the music directors first on guitar, then later on piano.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Holy Saturday: Great Vigil of Easter

After work, my husband and I went out to dinner. After dinner, I dropped my husband off, and drove to a church approximately eleven and a half miles away to attend a Great Vigil of Easter service. Several churches held Good Friday Services; however, I don't know of many churches offering a Great Vigil of Easter service.

This service was very similar to last year's service; however, there were some differences.

After parking my car I walked toward the church. A man handed me a candle and a bulletin. I stood outside the church with the other people. The pastor said a few words of introduction, and one of the other robed people lit a small fire. After a prayer, the paschal candle was lit. One of the robed people held a candle lighter. We lined up, had our candles lit by the fellow holding the candle lighter, then walked into the dimly lit church.

There were fewer people this year than last year; however, the service was just as nice this year as last year's service. There were scripture readings, prayers, hymns and an excellent sermon, a reaffirmation of the baptismal covenant, and the Lord's Supper (Communion).

I enjoyed this service as much as last year's service.

To be continued...

Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday

I attended two Good Friday services today. I attended a noontime ecumenical Good Friday service. Seven pastors from six local churches (including mine) presented readings and brief sermons during the solemn service. We sang some hymns, accompanied by excellent musicians and singers from one of the churches.

I also attended an evening Good Friday service at a church that is approximately 8.9 miles from where I live. My church didn't have an evening service this year. I looked on the internet to see what evening services were available, and I found five relatively local churches with Good Friday services at 7:30 pm. The service that I chose to attend was advertised as a concert, and I'm glad that I went. We listened to alternating scripture readings and songs. There were many instruments, a medium size choir, and some soloists, all of who are quite talented. I plan on attending this service again next year.

Monday, February 18, 2008


Sometimes, I feel as if I lack discipline in some aspects of my life. I take showers, do the laundry, feed my husband, our cats, and myself, brush my teeth, go to work, church, 'ukulele class and several dance classes. I really should clean, declutter, sell some of my stuff, and donate whatever doesn't sell. I also have some paperwork that I need to shred and recycle. I receive Flylady emails; however, I haven't really disciplined myself to clean and declutter every day, or even several times a week.

Any advice?